By: Christopher Castro
Greenhouse gases are now being bought and sold on the open market by countries concerned about climate change. The Kyoto Protocol created the market in greenhouse gases to reduce emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and other gasses heating up the planet
Greenhouse gases who are the prime culprits in global warming, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Since the middle of the 19th century, human agriculture and industrialization have poured a huge amount of them into the atmosphere, where they have captured enough heat to initiate climate change andabout 0.6 degrees Celsius during the past century, according to the United Nations

The Kyoto Protocol, with more than 140 nations on board, aims to use market forces to rein in emissions by creating a market in greenhouse gasses. Under the pact, participating countries may emit a specific quantity of the gasses, and can sell off excess "credits" for profit and because of that, a lot brokers think that the agreement could make a lot of business..
Investors are funding projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, like hydroelectric dams and renewable energy plants, and earning investors credits to offset emissions from factories and power plants. The biggest buyers were the Japanese companies and Dutch government who are snapping up credits offered in regions such as Asia and Latin America.
The United States proposed the market plan for the Kyoto Protocol when it first signed the treaty in 1998. It withdrew in 2001 arguing that the treaty failed to appreciably slow global warming or include developing nations. Despite initial resistance, it has been embraced by Europe and Japan as an affordable way to slow climate change.
I believe Kyoto Protocol is a big impact in our country since one of its benefit to us is the creation of market in greenhouse gases to reduce emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and other gases heating up the planet.
TumugonBurahinIt made a big difference because it made many countries contribute to the conservation of our mother earth.
having this greenhouse gas market is great because countries will be obligated to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions because of this.
TumugonBurahin- group 5
What are the pros and cons of establishing a greenhouse gas market? How will our country benefit from this?
TumugonBurahinI think making greenhouse gases available to the market is a great idea. They can choose whether to reduce their greenhouse gases emission or to spend their money buying carbon credits whenever they reach or possibly go over its peak.
Pascual, Janet Louise J.
having a greenhouse gas market can increase a country's income and can help save the Earth. But is't kinda unfair since some country will just buy and not reduce their country's greenhouses gasses production?
TumugonBurahinOne of the advantages that I can see from this program is the increase of the accountability of one country on their green gasses emissions. But on the other hand, like what Jared O stated above, it is kind of unfair. Instead or rich countries searching for ways to lessen their green-gas emissions, they just tend to buy the green gasses credits which in the long run will not be a benefit for our environment...
TumugonBurahin-Y'ves Alba